Climate Experts

Air Conditioning Pros in Newcastle

Welcome to the Air Conditioning Services page of Climate Experts Heating & Air - your one-stop solution for all your AC needs in Newcastle. Whether it's AC repair, replacement, tune-up, or the innovative ductless systems you're looking for, we've got you covered. We also specialize in indoor air quality, ensuring you not only stay cool but breathe easy as well. With our highly trained professionals, we aim to provide the highest standard of service that respects your budget and surpasses your expectations. Browse through our service offerings and don't hesitate to get in touch for a more comfortable, energy-efficient home today.


AC Repair

At Climate Experts Heating & Air, we understand how crucial a properly functioning AC is for your comfort, especially in Newcastle's heat. Our experienced technicians provide fast and efficient AC repair services, using the latest diagnostic tools to get your cooling system back on track in no time. Remember, regular maintenance can prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure peak performance throughout the summer months.

AC Replacement

When repair isn't enough, our AC Replacement services are the solution. We offer a range of high-quality, energy-efficient AC systems tailored to your home's needs and your budget. Our experts will guide you through the selection process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free installation that maximizes your comfort and energy savings.

AC Tune Up

Regular AC Tune Ups are essential for maintaining your air conditioner's longevity and efficiency. At Climate Experts Heating & Air, we provide comprehensive tune-up services that include inspection, cleaning, and optimization of your AC unit. Our preventive maintenance approach helps you avoid costly repairs, reduces energy bills, and provides a more comfortable home environment.

Ductless Systems

For spaces where ductwork isn't an option, our Ductless AC systems offer an efficient and versatile solution. Ideal for room additions, basements, or older homes, these systems provide targeted cooling without the need for extensive installation. Experience customizable comfort with our state-of-the-art ductless systems.

Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air you breathe inside your home is just as important as maintaining a comfortable temperature. That's why we offer a variety of indoor air quality solutions, including air purifiers, filters, and humidifiers, to create a healthier living environment for you and your family. Trust Climate Experts Heating & Air to elevate your indoor air quality and enhance your home comfort.

Systems We Service


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
How often should I service my air conditioning system?
Regular AC servicing is crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. We recommend at least once a year, ideally in the spring before the peak cooling season begins.
What are the signs my AC needs repair or replacement?
Frequent breakdowns, rising energy costs, and uneven cooling are some signs your AC may need repair or replacement. If your unit is over 10-15 years old, replacement might be more cost-effective.
What is a ductless mini-split system and is it right for my home?
Ductless mini-split systems provide flexible, efficient cooling without the need for ductwork. They're ideal for homes without existing ducts, for room additions, or where you need individual room temperature control.
How can I improve my indoor air quality?
Regular AC maintenance, using high-quality filters, and considering an air purifier or humidifier can significantly improve your indoor air quality. We offer specialized services to help improve the air you breathe indoors.
What is a high-efficiency air conditioning system?
High-efficiency AC systems use less energy to cool your home, saving you money on energy bills while reducing environmental impact. They're characterized by higher SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings. Our team can help you choose and install the right high-efficiency system for your needs.
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